It’s no fun to have a dog you can’t take to places where there are other dogs because it barks or acts aggressively towards other dogs. It can turn the whole experience into a nightmare. Is there something you can do so that your dog is calm around other dogs?
Not all dogs get along with their canine friends, and for the owner it can result in anything from an embarrassment to vet bills. For the dog it’s also unsettling and may mean the end of going out for walks.
But it doesn’t have to be this way and, unless a dog is a “red zone case” (which will require a professional trainer’s help), you can take steps to prevent this problem before it happens or solve it if it does.
Teach your dog basic obedience commands so that when it becomes excited and wants to lunge at another dog you can tell your dog “down”, and it obeys you. That impulse control will help when you walk the dog, and it should get the message that it’s not okay to act aggressively towards other dogs.
Use the leash and collar best suited for the dog. Slip collars (or choke chains) can be useful in some situations, but try and get one made out of soft cotton rope. In some cases a basket type muzzle that prevents the dog from barking and biting but allows it to breathe and pant, is a solution.
Avoid conflict and turn away from other dogs until you have taught your dog to socialize with them. Also remain alert for possible threats, in command but relaxed. You can try introducing your dog to several other dogs in a controlled situation (flooding), as this allows the dog to face his fears. When your dog finds out that nothing bad will happen to him around other dogs, it may become less sensitive to the presence of other dogs.
Use classical conditioning by giving treats. In a situation where the dog feels aggressive (like being approached by a dog on a leash) give it a treat as soon as the negative behavior starts. The treats have to be something special not given at other training sessions. In time the dog will come to associate the approach of another dog with something positive.
None of these methods are guaranteed to work, and in some cases nothing you do is will help. If you try several techniques but your efforts do not succeed, you may want to use the help of an animal behaviorist.
However, remember that some animals are just different and doesn’t like or feel comfortable around other dogs. The important thing is that this behavior doesn’t impact negatively on your daily activities like taking the dog out for a walk.
Don’t give up too easily. This problem has developed over time and it may take a lot of time to re-train your dog. If you adopted the dog as an adult, there may well be something in its past that triggers aggressive behavior towards other dogs. Eventually, many of these problem pets learn to get along with other dogs.
Final thought: Most of these problems can be prevented if you get a dog as a puppy and teach it obedience and socializing skills from a young age.